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Peter Brookes CBE FRSA RDI (born 1943)

Peter Derek Brookes, CBE FRSA RDI (born 1943)

‘His target is rarely the ideology of one politician or another. It is the vanity, inanity and mediocrity of the whole damn lot.’ (Matthew Parris,
The Times, 13 October 2009)

Peter Brookes maintains the most consistently high standard of any editorial cartoonist working in Britain today. His daily political cartoons and regular ‘Nature Notes’, produced for
The Times, are always inventive, incisive and confidently drawn. They are the fruit of wide experience as a cartoonist and illustrator, and of complete independence from editorial intrusion.

Peter Brookes was born in Liverpool on 28 September 1943, the son of an RAF officer. After failing to finish a three-year pilot’s course for the Royal Air Force (1962-65) he took an extra mural degree at London University (1964).

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