Still Life with Apples and Jug
Blossom with Garlic
Humbug, Indy and the Pomegranates
Lesley's Masterclass Still Life Morning Drawing ...
Lesley's Masterclass Still Life with Dora's Plums
Rhubarb and Cauliflower
Manduilla Market, Jamaica
Red Shawl and Tulips
Poppies and Strawberries
Harlequin Dish
Figs, Apples & Walnuts
Quince and Apples on Cosmatesque
Quinces In Brass Bowl
Persimmons and Freesias
Frutta Fruit
Bowls and Plates
Brocade Chair and Peaches
Brass Bowl with Tomatoes
Autumn Leaves and Apples
Geranium and Gooseberries on Mosaic
Amaryllis and Pomegranates
Dresden Dish
Pear and Berries
Green Table
Quinces and Gingko Leaves
Quinces and Teazels